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Topic 3 - What's your CRAZIEST run on TSC?


Author Topic: Topic 3 - What's your CRAZIEST run on TSC?  (Read 33397 times)

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Offline hfactor66

Topic 3 - What's your CRAZIEST run on TSC?
« on: December 20, 2014, 06:55:18 am »
There's always that one time/score/#of rings we submit where we wonder just how in the hell we got it.

Mine would have to be my Azure Lake  time attack times on Sonic 3. I've been trying to top Romulo on Azure Lake but I still have yet to reach sub-10… but every time I manage to improve my time, which is becoming increasingly difficult, I wonder how the hell I pulled it off… another one for me would have to be my score on GHZ 1, I know it's not a record but it was hard to get, and whenever I score Attack GHZ 1 I can't seem to beat my best of 71830. Every time I come close I sit there just wondering how I managed to pull 71830 off...

What's yours?

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« Last Edit: December 21, 2014, 05:40:50 pm by AmyRoseFan »
Rings are my specialty.

Re: What's your CRAZIEST run on TSC?
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2014, 07:31:34 am »
I have way too many so i'll just to a top 3 to make this easy.
1)Eggmanland 03:16:99 - I mean come on. It's eggmanland. Sub 4 as well (b'w')b
2)Savannah Citadel act1 00:45:55 - This run has alot of randomness to it. While this can be beaten it's one of the runs that i'm most proud of
3)Cool Edge act1 02:21:30 - bobsleds are assholes ('w')

Offline chainchump

Re: What's your CRAZIEST run on TSC?
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2014, 08:25:34 am »
If I had to pick one, it'd have to be Mad Space Mission 2 (100 rings). I achieved a time of 0.12.09, which I feel is amazingly quick. It also happens to be 0.4 seconds away from the TAS record, which is rather close :P

Offline Softspeak

Re: What's your CRAZIEST run on TSC?
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2014, 04:15:08 pm »
Come back every day for new Wikkity forum topics until the new year! :)

Does that mean you actually have eleven more topics planned out?

I don't really have much that I'm not sure how I got. All I can think of is Toy Kingdom Act 3, time, in SAdva3. It was the first run where I actually made a certain fast cycle, but I hadn't thought at all about how I was going to handle the next section. Handled it perfectly of course. And in every subsequent attempt where I made the fast cycle, I tried to figure out exactly what happened. Only ever got within a second of that time once.

Offline Groudon

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Re: What's your CRAZIEST run on TSC?
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2014, 04:41:45 pm »
I'd go with my time on ZERO in SA1.  A day or two after getting the Dreamcast version, I was able to beat the previous records by .05 on my first successful run.  I decided to make a video of it, so I tried it again and somehow got 8.16 seconds.  I still don't know how I beat them by so much.

Offline hfactor66

Re: What's your CRAZIEST run on TSC?
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2014, 05:37:14 pm »
Come back every day for new Wikkity forum topics until the new year! :)
Does that mean you actually have eleven more topics planned out?
I just come up with them on the spot actually, so yeah. I'm open to suggestions if you have one (or more!) :)
Rings are my specialty.

Offline Softspeak

Re: What's your CRAZIEST run on TSC?
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2014, 06:18:52 pm »
I just come up with them on the spot actually, so yeah. I'm open to suggestions if you have one (or more!) :)

I have at least one idea right now, but wouldn't post it here -- that would spoil the fun! Maybe I'll think of a couple more and PM you later...

Offline SqwareEcks

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Re: What's your CRAZIEST run on TSC?
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2014, 12:58:55 am »
I would probably say my old Cosmic Wall M5 record, because (a) I was in excruciating pain at the time I recorded it, which made it hard to concentrate and the controller actually slipped off my hand in the middle of it; (b) it was the first time I'd ever successfully pulled off SadisticMystic's OOB route for the stage, in Hard Mode no less; and (c) I actually had to do it twice because the first time I didn't quite hover far enough and fell just short of the goal ring platform and died.
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Offline Vicklaw

Re: What's your CRAZIEST run on TSC?
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2014, 10:37:14 am »
Definitely the Sonic 3 Carnival Night act 1 rings records trilogy (841 Rings for Sonic and Tails, 872 Rings for Knuckles)

This run is also crazy : S&K Sandopolis act 1 (Knuckles) 623 Rings

Offline PvtCinnamonbun

Re: What's your CRAZIEST run on TSC?
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2014, 04:00:21 pm »
Definitely my Rooftop Run Modern Time Attack 1:37.72. Its a realky technical run that abuses M-Speed like crazy and is a culmination of 3 years and 200 hours of routing, strat finding, and attempts. I got the run on stream and you can hear how nervous I was after getting a hard trick I've only gotten 10 times or so and how hype I got after I ht the goal ring. For a whille it help both the skills and time attack records.

Offline Goldwolf11

Re: Topic 3 - What's your CRAZIEST run on TSC?
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2014, 01:19:56 am »
My Sonic Dusty Desert time of 1'03"765. I was so close to that WR but that ain't happening.
I really only play SA2, honestly. (On PS3!)

SA2 stuff:

Hero Story PB: 53:38 (48:44 In-game)

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Final Rush m1 (no skip)
Eternal Engine m1 (no skip)
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Mission Street m1

Offline RigidatoMS

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Re: Topic 3 - What's your CRAZIEST run on TSC?
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2014, 09:33:09 am »
Bullet Station as T-Sonic. It's so hard...
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Re: Topic 3 - What's your CRAZIEST run on TSC?
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2014, 01:51:17 am »
Sonic's Twinkle Circuit. I was stuck at a low 1:31 for hours on end, before finally subbing it.

[Sep'16 edit: Updating this, as reading back some of my old posts, things changed since :P )
« Last Edit: September 07, 2016, 09:25:50 pm by DarkPolarNight »

Offline Pokemonmaster888

Re: Topic 3 - What's your CRAZIEST run on TSC?
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2014, 01:00:44 am »
The one run I have done that I would say is my craziest run ever was my old Frog Forest - Team Sonic time attack record.

This was done at the very end of May 2008. Back then we didn't know about any crazy stuff like bop boosting or end of level super glide jumps, so to save time you really had to squeeze out little time savers here and there. I was mainly competing with ShadowJacky at this time for the first place, and I had found a couple tricks that I thought he hadn't discovered yet, which gave me an advantage. I did tell him about them in TSC’s IRC channel, but I don't think he understood the biggest trick I explained, which involved a big jump from a platform near the first propeller to the long vine going around the hollow "tree", midway through the level.

I spent about 5 hours straight playing that day to get 2:24.98, and it felt like a HUGE accomplishment then. You can always look back and see how things changed over time, and now that record of mine is smashed to pieces with the discovery of the bop boost glitch strategy. It's kind of ridiculous to think that the current WR is now 1:23.00 faster than my old WR, and if you told us sub 1 minute would be possible in the future in May of 2008, we would have thought you were crazy. I still have not yet improved that record (although I have tried briefly), but I will definitely do so shortly.

In the end, I value that record highly due to the amount of time I put in, and to the landscape of the Sonic Heroes competitive scene at that time. It was one of the greatest records I have ever done, and funnily enough, it is now pretty easy to beat with the bop boost strategy. So yeah, my craziest record is a 6 and half+ year old one, but I will always remember the path I took to get it. :)

Offline DGF

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Re: Topic 3 - What's your CRAZIEST run on TSC?
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2014, 02:38:55 am »
One of my Craziest run is probably my 1:17:17 on Sky Sanctuary Act 2 for Gens back when the Record was 1:16:34 by Sobastyu. I think thats my favorite run of all of the runs of Generations that i uploaded because i feel like that is the stage that takes the most skill to speedrun in generations. I beaten that time already, but it's just something about it makes me feel tingly inside x3
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Re: Topic 3 - What's your CRAZIEST run on TSC?
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2015, 10:32:09 pm »
My CRAZIEST run is Sonic Heroes-Final Fortress-Team Sonic(2:59.74)
i can't believe this run :O i tried 2 times. i didn't think that my time in the 3rd
 this stage is the worst in my opinion. but i can't believe that run :O  i have done all the shortcuts without any problems in this run :O
1 word about this : WTF !!!!!
i like trains

Offline Eco Kenneth Nathan

Re: Topic 3 - What's your CRAZIEST run on TSC?
« Reply #16 on: January 30, 2016, 07:30:23 am »
My most accomplished runs on TSC is on Sonic Riders on White Cave, I got 1'43"81 using a detour shortcut on the fly route and a low trick into the net on two laps. I think I won't be time attacking the White Cave anymore. This run is vidded.

I also will never forget the best lap on the White Cave as well, I achieved 0'33"45 on the last lap, I was shocked when I saw this result, I have never got such a lap time before, one achievement I will remember for the rest of my years on YouTube and the TSC. That's what I call LUCKSTRUCK!!!!! I don't care if this is in 2nd place now, it's my best three laps that count not the single lap. I am happy with that.

Another crazy run I got was on Sonic Unleashed (PS2) on the Dark Gaia boss, I discovered several strategies and put them all together to now make a 3'45"000 or better time possible on this boss now on the PS2 version. My result was 3'43"541, and I will remember it for the rest of my days on the site. I competed against Soniccoloursunleashed for first place a few days, i had the advantage because my version was U.S while his was U.K. A 3'44"000 time might actually still be possible using a very risky strategy on the first eye section. I just beat my 3'45"107 a day ago with the risky strat on the first eye section used this time.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2016, 07:46:29 am by Eco Kenneth Nathan »

Offline Ridiculiousishnessless

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Re: Topic 3 - What's your CRAZIEST run on TSC?
« Reply #17 on: February 01, 2016, 01:29:27 pm »
First off, Eco, nice job on that time, you did it TWICE as fast as the S rank time!

As for me, in my 6 months having been here, I think my best was Sonic CD Special Stage 2 - 10.26. JWick, the former world record holder of this time, had been the CHAMPION of Sonic CD Special Stages for 2 years, and he was unbeaten too, he had 0p! Fast forward two years, and I'm just casually speedrunning Sonic CD, having a lot of fun. I decide to play Special Stage 2, and suddenly out of NOWHERE, I get 10.36! I still don't know how I got it. Later that day, I get 10.33. After this, it gets insane to improve that! I remember I got three 10.33s in a month, but I still hadn't gotten the record! I had completely shut down all other competitions, I was determined to get this record. I played for a month, trying my absolute hardest to beat him! Then one day, I got the gold - a 10.26! I had beaten Jwick's 10.28, by one frame! This was also my first world record ever, which makes it really special (pun intended) to me. I later went on to be the new champion of Sonic CD special stages, but that 10.26 still remains as very important to me. :)
I love to love love.

Re: Topic 3 - What's your CRAZIEST run on TSC?
« Reply #18 on: February 07, 2016, 10:52:28 am »
I guess I'll name the top 3 records I'm most proud of. All are from Sonic 06.
1) Team Attack Amigo - (1838 Rings)
2) End of the World - (617 Rings)
3) Dusty Desert - Shadow - Very Hard - (2'01''094)


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